
I like this plan! Maybe I can install a small camera on the fake C4 so I can see their eyes go wide with fear.

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🤣 Do it! Then post it on TikTok. It will go viral for sure!

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I think you’re right!

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

This was FUN. Since I am returning to writing I am looking for all the motivation I can get! So here is the absolute COOLEST thing about catalytic converters. They contain, as their name implies catalysts. The cool thing is the catalyst NEVER goes away but just makes things go better. The good news is they only contain VERY SMALL amounts of the catalyst. The bad news is the catalysts are amazingly expensive, way more expensive than gold. Be thankful that Christina Ferguson is not interested in rhodium earrings (unless she is).

Another thing...Nextdoor is a great source for inspiring silly stuff. The last time I was there the big news was a bunch of somewhat neighborhood folk were organizing a bus to visit the Creation Museum in Kentucky...roadtrip...while I never gave credit they inspired a post

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Thanks Mark! And thanks for the tip about what’s in those catalytic converters. Thankfully, Christina isn’t interested in rhodium jewelry😄

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I love Nextdoor too. I even bought the stock!

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I don't consider that slash through a backwards 3 (or a fancy plus sign) an ampersand. An ampersand is &, and & only, IMO. Wikipedia may not agree but they're wrong. I mean, how hard is it to handwrite & ? Not hard, and kind of fun. Also, that story was excellent. And sorry for your loss.

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Thanks for your kind words about the story & my stolen catalytic converter! Just curious, what do you call that symbol they used? Is there another name for it?

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Technically, I think it IS called an ampersand. In my book, it's a false-ampersand. Or an alt-ampersand. Any of those on the top row and the middle one on the bottom of the chart on this page https://www.fonts.com/content/learning/fontology/level-3/signs-and-symbols/ampersands seem to me to reflect its origins of an elision of the "e" and the "t" in the Latin word "et," meaning "and." You may perhaps appreciate this clause in the same linked page: "While playing fast and loose with ampersands isn’t a good idea ..." Another black mark against your neighbour. (On the other hand, also from the linked page, "a single page from a book printed by Aldus Manutius in 1499 has over twenty-five ampersands!")

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I think the case against my neighbor is building. Thank you for the deep dive on the ampersand!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Sorry to hear you were one of the many whose catalytic converters were stolen. Next Door has those stories a lot over the hill from where you live.

I had a broken TV stolen once. It was years ago at my parents house and was sitting in the kitchen waiting to be taken in for repair. And someone broke in and took only that as the noise woke someone in the house up and the burglar took off.

I think catalytic converters change Jews into Catalytics or Catalytics into Jews.

I don't mind ampersands. They save 8 characters when typing.

& last weeks comment never came through. I'm blaming you for staying up late several nights while you were on vacation when I was reading another Don Winslow book.

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I’ll take the blame for Don Winslow😁 & maybe some other stuff too. What book were you reading?

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

I'm not sure what I'd call myself if I was a vigilante, but my favourite is Queen Latifa's the Equalizer

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That’s a good one!

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Sorry about your car!

I have a theory that Twitter influenced the use of the ampersand. It cuts down on precious characters. But I agree it’s strange to look at a wall of ampersands like that.

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I think your twitter ampersand theory is correct. And even if it isn’t, I’m comfortable blaming Twitter.

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Funny take on a sad situation. I guess that is life in the big city. Too many scoundrels per square mile.

My vigilante name is (I meant, would be if I had one, which I probably don’t) Boom Boom Magillacutty. Guess what I would say when I got revenge? That right. “Boom, boom, suckers!”

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Life in the big city indeed, Boom Boom Magillacutty!

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While a delayed comment at this point, I want you to know that your story about the stolen catalytic converter is the INSPIRATION for my first steady post in three months. It will come out next Tuesday. Thanks!

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That’s awesome! Congrats!

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, what was it? Did you get justice, or revenge?

> Honestly, I wept like a child.

Who’s your favorite amateur detective? (Aside from me & Christina, of course).

> The Gang from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Where do you stand on the ampersand & is it overused?

> I kinda wish I used it more.

What does a catalytic converter do anyway?

> It's used as an energy exchanger, turning exhaust into horsepower, somethiing akin to magick.

If you were going to become a vigilante, what would you call yourself? Remember, Batman is already taken!

> Oooooh, I like this. Lemme see...I would be Big Finish Charlie. The ladies always call me that!

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Wow! These are all incredible answers, Big Fish Charlie!

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Big Finish! It's Big Finish! Omigod. I'm ruined. Business cards, all wasted.

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Oh man, I've really screwed things up. Please forward the receipts for the ruined business cards & I'll try to make things right, Big FINISH Charlie!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

The Power Of The Dog. A long, but very good read which is why it took several nights.

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Excellent choice! And you’ve got two more good ones to go to complete the trilogy!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Hmph “what does a catalytic converter do anyway?” was going to be MY question!

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Also I am wearing a black hoodie right now so I’m wondering if this thing I’m sitting on might be your converter and how I can swap it for $800.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

The ampersand it gives me pause! Every time!

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Maybe! And with inflation you could be sitting on $900!

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It converts terrible emissions to less terrible emissions. At least, that’s how it’s been explained to me. All I know is I need one, otherwise my car sounds weird and won’t pass a smog test.

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You could buy a stick of clay, make a fake C4 explosive label for it, and duct tape it to the converter. That might make black hoodie think twice.

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Sounds like you should put Da Fino on the case. A Brother Shamus. A private snoop. A Dick, man!

Fun read. Killer opening line. Hoping your new catalytic converter arrives quickly and remains un-stolen.

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Thanks! I really should Da Fino on the case, just as soon as he finishes that wandering daughter job.

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Oy bay Michael, you are for sho having some troubles, with your cat converter burglars, dish smashing and dog poo on your mattress . Any chance you can garage your Prius so it’s no out in the street? Barb wire sounds like a great idea- hey, did you know there was a comic titled Barb Wire, with Pamela Anderson in the role? There’s a thought, have some Pamela Anderson tied to your undercarriage - if Juneau, Juneau....

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