The less uplifting possibility is that everyone in that food court was so depressed they figured going down in a blazing inferno while eating Detroit style pizza was as good a way out as any.
Your decision to heed the robot says a lot about your outlook on life, Michael. You still have a few fucks left to give. 💜😊
The less uplifting possibility is that everyone in that food court was so depressed they figured going down in a blazing inferno while eating Detroit style pizza was as good a way out as any.
Your decision to heed the robot says a lot about your outlook on life, Michael. You still have a few fucks left to give. 💜😊
The less uplifting possibility is that everyone in that food court was so depressed they figured going down in a blazing inferno while eating Detroit style pizza was as good a way out as any.
Your decision to heed the robot says a lot about your outlook on life, Michael. You still have a few fucks left to give. 💜😊
There's a lot of truth in your alternative take. I've been giving fucks for 46 years, and I'm not planning to run out of fucks anytime soon.
You should start a cult of positivity. I'll join! 😎
Sold! I've always wanted to lead a cult. But we should probably recruit Amran because he's a pretty good bulwark against toxic positivity.