To the extent you can investigate the connection between Dobbs and the SCOTUS and the “War on Sex” in future Smutty pieces, I think you’d be doing a great public service. In particular for the more repressed among us. Great interview.
To the extent you can investigate the connection between Dobbs and the SCOTUS and the “War on Sex” in future Smutty pieces, I think you’d be doing a great public service. In particular for the more repressed among us. Great interview.
To the extent you can investigate the connection between Dobbs and the SCOTUS and the “War on Sex” in future Smutty pieces, I think you’d be doing a great public service. In particular for the more repressed among us. Great interview.
Thank you, Amran! And thank you for the suggestion! I’ll call some lawyers I know, there’s lots to say here.