Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

I voted for sell but I was really hoping move would be an option. Had it been, I'd make my case for Chicago, a place definitely suited for one car and a great financial arbitrage opportunity. Having never seen your house in LA I'm certain you could sell and buy a home with cash in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Chicago.

But, that wouldn't solve your Prius issues, because a friend here also spent months dealing with the aftermath of their own CC being stolen.

So, all this said, if you could survive on one car and get a bike, that'd probably be a compromise worth pursuing. If you want to do that in Chicago, even better.

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Thank you for giving this some thought! Gonna have a more detailed response in the Wednesday edition, stay tuned!

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Sorry to hear you've been hit again.

While you could write another book about conversations with Lyft drivers and selling the car and using Lyft might work out financially since it will also save the increased insurance premiums after 2 converter thefts, having to use Lyft all the time is a lot more inconvenient than having your own wheels.

Maybe you can jury rig a way to connect the Prius battery to the converter when the car is parked, so it will electrocute anyone trying to steal a third one.

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Thank you for this! planning a more detailed response for the Wednesday issue of Situation Normal.

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ok so yes as I wrote in the other comment, I have a lot of experience with this shit. Twice has my CC been stolen, twice i have gotten it replaced. My uncle cousin or whoever he is owns a shop in LA that specifically works on priuses and he told me to get a guard shield thing that sorta protects the CC from being stolen as easily. Sure the thief can still get it, but its gonna take a while longer and so theyl prob just go to a diff car. I would recommend this. The shield.

There is also a thing called a cat clamp which I do not like how it sounds but maybe its good? Also there is a cop on the website so ya, bad news https://catclamp.com/.

Finally, I believe the only sure fire way out of this is to sleep outside, by the car, sitting in a chair, with sunglasses on so no one knows youre sleeping. No one will come within 50 yards of a guy like that

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I think you're right that the only sure fire way out of this is to sleep outside in a chair with sunglasses on, like a human scarecrow. I've got mixed feelings about the guard because it just slows them down, but not by much. Honestly, though, I'd probably get one at this point just to try it, except I'm on an 8-month waiting list for a new CC, so for now there's nothing to protect.

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my head hurts so i'm short on details, but I am sure that how you handle this CC thing can and will be the origin of a new world wide religion

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That is the prophecy, so it must be true!

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

The really good options of course, that I was going to suggest, are the options that your very genius sister has preemptively suggested.

Beyond that, Option #4 because yes we need more Lyft stories! Very glad to see this option is, at least so far, leading the polls. What smart readers you have!

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You're right, my little sister is a genius. I'll have a more detailed response to your input (and everyone else's) in the Wednesday edition. Meantime, thanks for your advice, Anne!

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If dealing with thieves in L.A. is anything like dealing with thieves in Detroit, I dare say you need a vehicle without a catalytic converter. Better to be met with a large bill once than the butt end of a Glock once. On the other hand, I'm going with your sister on this one... move!

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Thank Brian! Really appreciate the input! I'll have more to say on this in the Wednesday edition of SN!

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

You asked what I'd do in your shoes. If I answer honestly, I'd sell. BUT a) might you be able to use that cash to buy a second EV? I think they fixed the Chevy Bolt issues now, making it a legit replacement for your Prius. No catalytic converter to worry about! b) If I'd been selfish, I would've voted for you to try to catch the buggers. That would be a story I would become a paid subscriber to read, for sure!

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Thank you for the kind words, Andrew! Gonna share a more detailed response in the Wednesday issue of SN!

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

I am so sorry this has happened to you again. The bastards! I admire your light-hearted attempt to cover your rage. I am obviously missing something here. Is there any reason you could not sell your car and get a second electric one? Problem solved?.

Another idea - which is what I, myself, plan to do in 2023. Sell the car. Bank the cash. With this cash, plus no insurance to pay, no gas to buy, no maintenance -- you could buy a hell of a lot of Lyfts or Ubers to augment your one-car status. You have my sympathy. I look forward to hearing what you resolve.

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Thank you, Sharron! You raise good questions. I'll have a more detailed response in the Wednesday issue of Situation Normal! See you there!

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So sorry to hear of your continuing catalytic converter CC problems. That sucks. The Priuses have amongst the most sophisticated and costly of the CCs. If I lived close by I would be first in line to buy your late-model Prius as will an army of folks nearby. Consider buying low cost cameras. It is likely you can have an ENJOYABLE conversation with your insurance company as installing a couple of cameras will probably get you a reduction on your homeowners insurance.

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Thanks Mark! Really appreciate your comment here. I'm planning to respond to all the great advice I've been getting in the Wednesday edition. See you there!

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Park the car in the garage thus making it harder for the thieves to do their thing.

Also consider replacing the car with a motorcycle or a bike instead. Time share the remaining car as needed.

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Thank you for this! I'm going to have a more detailed response in the Wednesday issue, so stayed tuned!

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

As entertaining as trying to foil the crime might be, I think it could lead you into unnecessarily dangerous territory, and the relatable struggles of transitioning to a one car family feels more “on brand” for Situation Normal.

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Good point! Gonna expand on this for the Wednesday edition of SN!

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Think of the comedy gold of having one car!

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I think you mean comedy precious metals 😂

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I’m not sure I like any of those options, as they all lean towards the thiefs’ advantage. Vigilantism is the most satisfying, but least safe. I think bolting a plate over it would help. Are you comfortable with motorcycles? They’re an efficient (and badass) option. If you overlook the heightened probability that you’ll be killed or maimed, they’re really a win-win: great mileage, minimal space usage, in California you’re allowed to “lane split,” which means you never have to worry about traffic jams again, they’re faster and more maneuverable than anything else on the road, they look awesome (and make you look awesome by proxy), and they don’t have catalytic converters at all. There are even some great electric options that are very affordable. Just putting it out there.

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Thank you for the great comment, Jake! I'm gonna be responding to all the great advice I got in the Wednesday issue! See you there!

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Yeah so, what about selling the Prius and buying another hybrid/ electrical car like a 2 nd hand BMW X5 hybrid? Beautiful motor .... if that’s too much bling, then a Nissan Leaf? Small and v perky hybrid

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I probably will sell the Prius, just as soon as I get a new catalytic convertor, because a lot of places won't buy it without one, or they won't pay anywhere near what the car is worth. So... I'm waiting until May or June.

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Good luck with it all, it must be really stressing to go through this: classic catch - 22, I suppose it’s a signpost to our tekkie society and it’s pitfalls...

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Thank you! It’s frustrating, but I’ll sort it out eventually.

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Good luck! On another tack, loved your Alaska cruise details : never been on a cruise, but have read a lot on ships. One great writer who recently passed, Jonathan Raban, wrote a lot about cruising in small boats.He too, wrote on a sail to Alaska... you followed in some great trails. Looking forward to your next outing !

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I’m voted for foiling the caper, but then again I get a bit intense about this sort of bullshittery.

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Well, great thing about foiling the caper is that it’s always an option, regardless of what I do for transportation

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Just read the 12/7 edition (I’m playing catch-up today) and see that you will not be installing cameras and laser sensors and scheduling a stake-out. Bummer. I was so looking forward to that update.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

I think this depends on the skills of the thieves, but my understanding is that parking very close to something behind you (like, backing up so tight to the garage that you can't walk behind it) acts as something of a deterrent. It makes it take just enough longer to do it from the side that they'll skip your house.

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Good point, Wendy! I think the issue is that it's very easy to steal a catalytic convertor off the Prius, which is why that type of car is such a prime target. When the filed the second insurance claim, they had me take a photo of the car's underside. I asked where I should place the camera and they told me that I could see it easily from either the driver's side or the passenger's side front doors. So all the thief has to do with a Prius is jack up the car, cut out the catalytic convertor, and go. If I could find a parking space between two cars, however, I think your idea would work. But if I'm on the street or in my driveway, I'm pretty exposed.

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I had no idea what a catalytic convertor was. Now I'm worried about the one in my car.

I'm gonna sign that fucker up for some self-defense classes

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Probably a good idea!

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Dec 4, 2022·edited Dec 4, 2022Liked by Michael Estrin

Well, that sucks.

If you park in the same area every time, which I assume you do, then motion sensitive lights might be enough. And they would be required for cameras. Low light turns most cheap cameras into a grainy mess. I can make a recommendation for cheap cameras if you like but I hesitate to turn this into a security camera post!

A Portland Oregon area auto repair shop had a problem with cat thefts. He ended up with the local sheriff’s personal cell phone number and yet he still has a theft problem. Something tells me your local police department won’t hand out cell phone numbers.

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It does suck, but thank you for taking the time to share your advice! I really appreciate it! I'm gonna have a more detailed response to all the advice I got in the Wednesday issue. See you there!

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