Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

In January of 2020 Twitter was still functioning almost like a public service and I followed a lot of writers and journalists. I was seeing reports of an especially deadly pneumonia in Italy at the time. As it moved closer to the US, I started telling friends and family I was going to wait and see about what the next couple of weeks would bring before making long range plans. They looked at me like I was crazy. Six weeks later it was mid-March and most of us were home. Aside from the toxic discourse, Twitter was the early warning system that something was happening. But thanks to Elmo we don’t have that anymore, We don’t really have any traditional media anymore because there’s little to no broadcasting in the public interest. Last night when I was looking for live coverage on my laptop because I don’t have a tv yet (I just moved), I went to YouTube to find the original 3 had a live stream but for CNN or other cable news I’d have to pay. I didn’t know if we’d tipped into civil war or not and here I was looking at a bunch of Newsmax-y feeds and sketchy AI generated shit trying to find news. ABC had a rolling live chat that was an absolute shitshow but CBS and NBC wisely disabled chat for their streams. I know this doesn’t exactly apply your post, but this is what’s on my mind.

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I think this comment is very much on point. We want good information. We need good information. The stakes aren’t just a free society, they’re literally life and death. I’m glad you shared this. I hope every situation normie reads your comment, Meridith.

Also, good luck with the unpacking. I hate moving.

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Homo Googler is my new favourite thing

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And way more popular than Homo Binger. Use it in good health!

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

1. I generally assume I don’t know what’s coming next. Chaos gets three votes. I walked into a Pixar film, and walked out to an assassination scare.

2. As a Larry David cultist, I vote dragging Seinfeld out until everything sucked. Give me every drop of blood from that wonderful stone. That golden talent pool could’ve DDT’d a dead horse through a table.

3. Tom was telling us where things were headed.

4. Dick jokes and story outlines. Questionable choice.

5. It’s going to be every part of speech by September.

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In some ways Seinfeld never ended, it just became Curbed, which did end, but it'll probably just become the next LD thing. Proud cultist here.

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And as of today everyone will become ballistics and security experts! Imagine what expertise tomorrow will bring.

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Yup. Turns out half the people I know are security experts. They never said much about their expertise before, but they came out of the woodwork in the past 24 hours.

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

Thanks for the Edie Brickell ear worm! Hey, now there’s a celebrity marriage that’s lasted a good long time. She’s been married to Paul Simon for how many years? I suppose I could Google it…

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From my ear to yours! And yes, that marriage has lasted a long time.

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I did look it up. Edie Brickell and Paul Simon have been married for 32 years.

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1. "I don't know." are three of the most powerful words in English. I use them all the time. This way, when I do start running my mouth, people can have a modicum of confidence in what I'm saying.

2. Here's a wrong answer: I've seen neither!

3. If it'd only been OurSpace then Facebook never would have risen, Twitter never would have become a thing, and Instagram and TikTok would have never been invented. Thanks, Tom. Fascist.

4. Nothing.

5. Yes, well conjugated.

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You make an excellent point. People who say “I don’t know” build trust.

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Jul 17Liked by Michael Estrin

“A good word to describe someone who thinks they know better than everyone else is moron.” Haha love this!

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

I'm closer to Socrates or whoever said it first. Or maybe Descartes who should have said, I think I know something, therefor I think I am something.

One of the first things they teach in Medical School is, "Half of what we teach you is probably wrong. Unfortunately, we don't know which half."

Seinfeld should have ended with Larry David waking up in bed and telling his wife, I had this strange dream about a bunch of weird people I knew back in New York.

Of course you can verbify Weekend at Bernies. And the way things are going, you could be right for once.

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

Eeeee, I did not have the events of last evening on my bingo card for this year. This just makes things even more uncertain, and if there is one thing we humas are THE WORST at (John Ralphio voice), it is dealing with uncertainty. Seriously, I think most folks would rather live through something wretched than to live in relative ease with uncertainty. This is surely a flaw, but it has nevertheless kept us alive for hundreds of thousands of years.

Today, those same knee-jerk, quick-thinking instincts are utterly tearing our world apart.

If ever we need a Mortimer pic, it is today! Please post one and tag me over on Notes.

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Post a Mortimer pic! Your plan is working!

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Jul 15Liked by Michael Estrin

Keep the pic trade going - we can literally do this all year. I want to get to know Mortimer, and you should know Dinkles, too!

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

1. I'm always smart/right/young/hip inside my head, which is why I choose to hang out there more than I hang out on the internet where everyone says I'm dumb/wrong/old/uncool.

2. Seinfeld should have ended with an orgy. Full stop. Seriously, those hounds had sex with EVERYONE but each other for 10 years. Except that one episode where Jerry and Elaine backslid for a day and a half.

3. MySpace was before my time. See how young/hip I am over here?! It's not true really. I was alive and capable of having an OurFace page when they were the rage. I just didn't think MyFace was interesting enough to demand a whole Page. So, I jumped the trend.

4. Self-sabotage. I could LITERALLY write the book on it. And I probably will.

5. 1000%.

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Your take for a Seinfeld (happy) ending is gold, Meg, gold! I highly recommend you find a community for Seinfeld fan fiction and write 50 Shades of Nothing. You will win the internet.

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

That idea for fan fic is brilliant. And well within the salty side of my wheelhouse.

And I'm certain that community exists on this, our very broken internet.

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You can crush this!

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

"A good word to describe someone who thinks they know better than everyone else is moron." I am remembering this line, Michael. I know a couple of morons... Thank you.

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You’re welcome!

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I aim to be like Jon Snow and *know* nothing. I have a good many hunches, some pretty strong inklings, and ken a fair amount more than many in some respects, but I try to never assume I really KNOW anything.

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“You know nothing, Jon Snow.” Perfect response 👏👏👏

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

Seinfeld and Game of Thrones should have ended…….way earlier. I’m Irish so I was out enjoying myself with people most of the time of them being on. A boyfriend I had at the time was watching Seinfeld and I had to end it after too many boring synopsis he told me about episodes! I read the books of GOT and found them far better. People need to get off the couch and dance!

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I’m all for dancing! Yes! But your boyfriend summarized Seinfeld!? That sounds awful.

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In fairness though, the world kind of did end in 2012. I can't think of a good thing that happened since then, like we're living in a simulation of the before times.

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Did it end in 2012 or did we end up in one of those bizarro alternate universes like in Back to the Future?

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Have you seen the last season of Riverdale? It’s kind of like that bonkers idea, I think, maybe.

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I haven’t seen Riverdale. What am I doing with my life?

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

No it’s really bad. They get super powers and jump the shark about every episode, but in the last season a magic fairy teleports the Archie gang back to the 1950s and destroy the whole rest of the universe so nothing else exists, additionally effectively wiping out The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Pretty Little Liars.

All that remains is the gang having neato adventures in the 50's. It is easily the wildest thing I've ever heard of on TV, especially since it started as a little mystery show.

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Wow! That’s way beyond jumping the shark. It’s like jumping a sharknado.

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

My real areas of expertise are Muppets and VCR board games. When there’s a pandemic caused by Rap Rat infection, I’ll be ready to jump back on social media!


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You know your lane and it’s a good lane. But let’s keep it positive. When world piece breaks out because the Muppets took the UN and instituted a policy where nations settle their differences with games of Risk, you’ll be the expert voice we need.

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

If that ever happens, Australia will rule the world!

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Jul 14Liked by Michael Estrin

Wait a minute, Bran becomes king?

In my house, Bran has been king ever since I turned 50.

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