This absolutely brilliant post, written with a stylistic exactitude and sophistication that's matched only by its primary point, reads exactly -- and I do mean EXACTLY -- as you would suspect: smuggled-in "anti-rightwing" propaganda (and I'm no rightwinger -- it's the obviousness I object to) -- which even the most unsophisticated of rea…
This absolutely brilliant post, written with a stylistic exactitude and sophistication that's matched only by its primary point, reads exactly -- and I do mean EXACTLY -- as you would suspect: smuggled-in "anti-rightwing" propaganda (and I'm no rightwinger -- it's the obviousness I object to) -- which even the most unsophisticated of readers see through like a fucking fishnet.
Pardon my -- you know -- anti-propaganda loathing.
This absolutely brilliant post, written with a stylistic exactitude and sophistication that's matched only by its primary point, reads exactly -- and I do mean EXACTLY -- as you would suspect: smuggled-in "anti-rightwing" propaganda (and I'm no rightwinger -- it's the obviousness I object to) -- which even the most unsophisticated of readers see through like a fucking fishnet.
Pardon my -- you know -- anti-propaganda loathing.