Definitely more of a Sobchak. But that's the beauty of it all, Dude. The universe needs us, Dude, to stay in balance.

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I've been waiting all day for you to comment on this one! Perfectly done!

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Haha, glad to deliver! Been stuck at home with both kids solo the last few days, including one day at home with my son out sick. But all good.

It's a monster bummer when you get a chance to see these classic films in the theater and somebody blows it. Like, when I saw Predator in January, it was just pitch perfect. But a few weeks ago I saw The Thing, and people definitely didn't understand that it isn't a fun movie, to be laughed along to. That hurt some of the opening tension. Plus, there was this dude next to me who was violently crowding my space. Ultimately, I chalked it to up to aloofness rather than malice and just let it go. But it hindered the vibe, Dude.

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Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about why I go to the movies after two years of not being able to go at all. I think there's something to the energy of the crowded theater. Like when it's working, we're all on the same emotional page, and that's so cool and powerful and fun. But sometimes everything goes to shit, and you just gotta say, fuck it, dude, let's go bowling.

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I legit only saw one movie in the theater from 2019 through 2022, so this year I wanted to get back into "the cinema" in a big way. I've already seen about six movies this year, including some all-time greats. I've personally found that matinees, by myself, are my favorite viewing experience. It's mostly old people, and mostly people who came by themselves, which leaves plenty of seating space. Everyone's quiet and, if you're in the dang theater at 1PM, you must really take movies seriously.

BTW, I don't think I've seen Lebowski in over a decade. The quotes are all muscle memory, so I gotta reacquaint myself El Duderino.

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The movie talker was obviously not a real fan. A real fan of the dude would know better.

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That's my feeling too! Real fandom, especially for The Big Lebowski, isn't measured by the number of lines you know, it's a vibe, a way of being in this world.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

This person was clearly crazy, and it is very hard to manage crazy, because it is crazy.

I wonder if Lebowski would have annoyed by it, or just enjoyed it as another layer of the evening? The latter would make you a saint but the Lebowski really is sort of a saint, yes?

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Lebowski is no saint. He's not even a hero, because what's a hero? He's a man for his time and place.

Sorry. That's a reference to the film, which it occurs to me, you might not have seen. Basically, The Dude is a stoner / slacker version of the Chandler detective. Here's how Chandler described that kind of protagonist.

"Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero; he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor—by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world."

The Dude is that sort of man, but for a different time. And unlike the classic noir detective, the slacker detective is a kind of anti-hero insofar as they seek to escape the adventure. That is, they try not to get involved, or solve the mystery, or do anything of that sort. But involved, they become.

Also, The Dude is a construction of the Coen Bros, who based the character on a real person named Jeff Dowd, who is a film producer, and if press reports are accurate, a real character in his own right.

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The Dude stands up to aggression, so I think he would have said something.

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that's a good point! this aggression will not stand. clearly, my thinking about this case had become very uptight.

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1. Not even a little. It’s my weakness. The flow and I are at war. I stomp against the flow like I’m building a medieval dam. I swim against the flow like a fish looking for love. The flow and I shall never know peace.

2. Something about a snake and an apple. I never got the whole story.

3. I’m usually occupied inhaling my weight in diet coke. I tell myself caffeine burns a few calories, and slowly turn into a ray of light. Hopefully worth the future tumor.

4. Honestly? Mine the situation for humor. You are walking the Golden Path.

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My partner could quote every word of Lebowski while watching it, but WOULDN'T - because he's not an asshole. He makes me cocktails, I mean beverages, on the regular and has many Leboweski t-shirts. Also, I think variety in sex is important, so you alternating between telling us to get fucked or to NOT get fucked is just a way to keep the spice alive.

But do you have to use so many cuss words?

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Cursing? What the fuck are you talking about? Just kidding! Amazing comment, Medha!

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This happened to me perhaps 15 years ago seeing Jim Gaffigan in San Francisco. There were some Jim Gaffigan superfans sitting right behind us who loudly and robotically laughed at every single word that came out of his mouth. No chuckling. Just loud, barking laughter so that everyone could bask in just how much these mega dorks were enjoying their own superfandom. And they quietly quoted every punchline out loud *right* before Gaffigan would say it. Needless to say, it was the unfunniest standup set I have ever paid to see. Nerds ruin everything.

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Oh man. I can just hear those guys ruining Jim's hot pockets joke.

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Nooooooo. Could Jim hear it?

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So sorry this happened to you. Too bad Walter wasn’t there to rip him a new one.

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Rolling with Walter has its ups and downs, but he would've been appreciated in this situation.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

Ha! I tweeted about this same event and people could not BELIEVE that dude didn't get his ass kicked.

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I think the people of Twitter had a hard time believing that YOU didn't kick that guy's ass. I literally would've bought popcorn to see that. Also, I'm not on Twitter anymore, so please share this story with the Lebowskis who are still on that platform.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

I did indeed share a link to this on the twitters! And I have regrets of NOT kicking that guy's ass. I'm less an abider than you are, I think...

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I think so too! Maybe you're Walter, but you know, more emotionally stable and less prone to pull a firearm during league play.

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Such an iconic movie. One of my favourites. And while Lebowski fans know all the lines it’s definitely bad form to join in I think, tempting though it might be. 🤐🤫

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Very bad form, I'd say. A total rejection of the Dudeist ethos.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

I have been a card-carrying Dudeist Priest for many years. Most often-quoted scripture: “That’s just, like, your opinion, man.”

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One of my favorite lines!

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Ha. I’m sorry that happened.

My wife and I are going to go see a band this Friday called the Big Lebowski Experience IV.

I’m not a huge Lebowski fan, mostly because I’ve only seen the movie once, but this concert looked too cool to pass up.

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That concert sounds very cool! I hope you have fun. And I hope it inspires you to watch The Big Lebowski again.

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I'm sure it will be. It's at the concert venue where we had our wedding reception - very small, with good bar food and good beer. We pick a concert once a quarter and head over.

I thought I'd be able to watch the movie before I go, but we will have to see how I allocate my time from now until then.

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That's such a lovely idea to go back to your wedding venue a few times a year and see a show! We got married in Palm Springs, which is about two hours from our house, so we don't back to the venue as much as I'd like. But when we are in Palm Springs, we try to stop in for a meal.

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Everything was a mile from our house in DC. I walked to the church I got married. Very lucky.

Palm Springs, however, is much nicer than DC. :)

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Palm Springs is lovely! But DC is one of my favorite cities. I'm lucky enough to have traveled there a lot.

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Nice time you are in town hit me up!

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

One of my favourite movies - even recommended it a couple of weeks ago in my Nihilism issue! Flea and Aimee Mann's best roles together!

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Flea made a great nihilist, even if the nihilist in The Big Lebowski weren't exactly first-rate nihilists. He also made a great nazi surf bro in Point Break.

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Second-rate (or lower) nihilists are the best kind of nihilist! Ah, Point Break - Kiedis was in that too, I’m thinking? Great Swayze pic - though it’s no Road House. Buddhist bouncer who can rip your throat out? 🤪 Awesome personified. It was on the BBC a couple of months ago... a late night film I was happy to be less than focused for the next morning!

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A real Buzz Killington, if you ask me.

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I didn't think anyone understood my level of Dudehood until this very moment, Michael. Well done. And good on you and everybody else for not throttling that guy. But also I kinda get that guy because I kinda am that guy, though I'd hope I wouldn't behave that way out in public. Anyway, well done and In Dude We Trust.

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Thank you, Nicci! I'm so glad this one spoke to you!

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

I am not a Lebowski. I have never been cool or especially chill. But I do enjoy a good bathrobe!

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I think you are cool, but you're just downplaying it, which is exactly what a cool guy like you would do.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Michael Estrin

😎 ???

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There really needs to be a bath robe emoji

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Two things. How much shared space is there in the Venn diagram of Dudeism and Stoicism? Also, that talkative audience dude reminds me of a recent incident at a Broadway performance of Bodyguard where two audience members loudly sang with the actor's performance of "I Will Always Love You." It was so awful that the show was stopped and police were called to escort the singing audience members out of the theatre.

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There's probably a lot of overlap between Dudeism and Stoicism. Of course, Dudeists are newer and they have less of philosophical foundation, so where the Stoics are rather rigid in their beliefs, Dudeists are more flexible and promiscuous in terms of philosophies they add to the mix.

As for the Broadway sing-along, wow! That sounds awful. Reminds me of seeing The Producers years ago. Someone's phone rang. Nathan Lane took it in stride, told them to answer it. They said they didn't want to interrupt the show, or something like that, Nathan Lane said something clever like, "Nooooo, we wouldn't want to do that!" He brought the house down and the guy with the phone got the message.

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