I got whacked in the head with beads too many times as a child at Mardi Gras and now I can’t do parades.

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Very different vibe at the Rose Parade. In fact, I think you’ll be asked to leave if you throw anything at all.

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Have you seen Neon Genesis Evangelion? I can imagine you would relate to the story of an adolescent boy who’s anxious because his engineer father pushes him to pilot a giant robot that’s uncomfortable to be inside.

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I haven't seen it. Or heard of it. But I just Googled it. Yes, I probably could relate. And who knows, maybe the 1990s anime nostalgia will be soothing.

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I’ll warn you that Neon Genesis might be the least soothing TV shows I’ve ever seen, lol. It’s weird and upsetting! I saw it in high school with fellow nerds.

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aieeeeee your own father entombed you in a rolling casket on New Year's day like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill i can just see you punching way out of there hahah

on another note as i suck in gut to finish your novel this year (i swear it in blood!) got side-tracked by the opening essay in "Consider the Lobster" an astounding compendium of David Foster Wallace's genius and of course the first piece "Big Red One" was centred around a porn convention in Las Vegas (published in Premiere mag. probably around 2000). i cannot describe with what pure delight he wallows in all that but just to say thought of your own background as a journalist in the San Fernando Valley and of that industry and your own novel and couldn't help thinking you MUST have read it. If not recognition will come easy.Beyond that i confess to never having read Wallace before (terrible admission) but for any who wish to get an idea of his interests there is a piece in this years Aeon magazine "Saved by Infinite Jest" by Mala Chatterjee which is astounding as a primer. The descriptions she pulls of depression and its unfathomable weight and her own struggles are poignant indeed.

Happy New Year!!! i'm rooting for Michigan but i suspect Washington will cover the 4 and a half points....nonetheless these are the 2 teams i have wanted all year in the finals and gonna take that as a good omen. But we make our own fucking luck heh

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I have read Wallace. I love all the essays in Consider the Lobster. I read Big Red One after I left the industry. Two things stuck out at me. First, the people who are his guides in that story are adult trade reporters. I actually knew a few of them. Two, he nailed it. Yes, he was a genius with words, but Wallace also understood the basics of reporting. Porn is a weird, insular industry that's often misunderstood by outsiders. But the best outsider writing about porn leans on the adult trade press for guidance. Can't tell you how many pieces I've read from mainstream reporters who helicoptered in and only spoke to a few well-known bullshit artists who fed them back the narrative they wanted to hear. DFW did the opposite, and that's why his essay remains the gold-standard on that industry, even if the names, faces, and tech have all changed.

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"good reporting" says it all look forward to finishing the book of essays and the novel ha

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I haven't watched the Rose Parade in years. I did go to the parade once about 25 years ago when I dated a woman who lived in Pasadena walking distance from Colorado Blvd. I went to the Doo Dah Parade a couple of times and enjoyed that much more than the Rose Parade.

I've never been in a parade.

On New Year's Day I sat around playing with the dogs while my wife and our nephew who is visiting cleaned out all the expired stuff from the kitchen cabinets. Then we all went out to dinner.

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I feel like you got the best deal in your house on New Year's day. Dogs and dinner, no cleaning required.

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My daughter marched for her high school band in the parade this year--my first time to Pasadena and seeing her and the band truly was a once-in-a-lifetime event. They killed it.

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I was in a small Texas town Christmas parade because my 5ish year old daughter was on a float.

Many years later I was a band parent, so I was in the Rose Parade, oh, not that little one in California, but the summer one in Portland Oregon. All I remember was walking fast to hydrate the band kids. Afterwards I remarked that I didn’t even notice which streets we walked on.

I love a parade for sure. But my favorite ones were accidentally getting caught up in the Portland Pride parades even though I was never in it.

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I love all of this! And yes, the city of Portland has a real bone to pick with Pasadena, doesn’t it?

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Michael, you’re so lucky to have had a dad who gifted you so much storytelling fodder. My dad was an attorney, and the best I can do is that he spent his army service-time playing bridge in an office in Chicago, performing the occasional background check for the army.

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Jan 3, 2024
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Glad you're feeling better. Also glad to hear that Murder She Wrote had medicinal qualities.

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