I would want Taika Waititi to direct my dreams. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and toast with coffee and OJ mixed with grapefruit juice, plus my Wellbutrin and Lexapro. 🤪 If cars ran on Pepsi I'd never be able to keep a stock of fuel at home because my husband would drink it all, so I'd go for cars fueled by Coke.

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That was quite a ride, Michael! And you're welcome for the Robert Crais suggestion - I thought you would like Elvis Cole. Wait till you meet Joe Pike.

1. I have had some weird dreams lately, but I'd rather not!

2. Stanley Kubrick, but I'd like more Spartacus and less Clockwork Orange. I've already had The Shining dream, thank you very much. And yes, I know he's dead, but they're my dreams.

3. I always loved the part of the Cialis ad where they say, "If your erection lasts more than four hours, tell your doctor." I say, if my erection lasts more than four hours, I'm telling everybody.

4. Pancakes. And I miss Du-Par's.

5. Pepsi would be considered one of those cheap brands of gas that makes your engine knock.

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Wellbutrin gives you dreams like this? Not me. So envious. And I’m on the highest dose allowed. I even live in Minnesota and parts of it are Lynchian. But most people are not aware that Fargo is actually in North Dakota. Dangerous place, with those corn and missile silos. I will have to finish those seasons. Maybe I just need to mainline some weirdness. I will definitely be giving my dealer - uh, doctor- a good talking-to.

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Pepsi will never replace Coke

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Glad you’re finding the right meds! For my “dream” director, I’ll go with Spike Jonze. I would like memorable, visually interesting, and sometimes thought-provoking dreams.

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Apr 14Liked by Michael Estrin

1. I don’t remember my dreams much lately. They tend to be the searching for my car all night variety these days.

2. Wes Anderson or Nora Ephron. Quite the swing, huh?

3. The Jardiance ones where they sing and dance are cute.

4. Bacon, crescent rolls and coffee.

5. Pepsi as car fuel is about all it’s good for.

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Maybe it's because his movies are basically already dreams, but Charlie Kaufman would definitely be my choice for dream-director.

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Apr 15Liked by Michael Estrin

That is one epic dream!! ⚡️

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2: Michael Mann. My dreams are gonna have style.

3: I can't remember what it was, but I swear there was one recently were a side effect of the drug was whatever the drug was supposed to treat.

4: Migas for breakfast. I mean, I live in Texas.

5: Per a quick google search, Pepsi has slightly more caffeine and sugar than Coke, so maybe it's like Coke is 87 octane and Pepsi is 89. Mexican Coke is premium.

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Apr 15Liked by Michael Estrin

A good arthouse movie featuring an abandoned (or unfinished) water park is Desert Blue. A teenage Kate Hudson is on a road trip with her dad who seeks roadside attractions, in this case the world’s largest ice cream cone billboard. They get locked into a small town when the FBI investigates a chemical spill. Innocent teen and adult romance ensues. No narcos, severed head soccer balls, or other David Lynch dreamlike twists. Free on Amazon Prime.

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Apr 14Liked by Michael Estrin

1. My dreams never stick with me, which has to be some kind of writing debuff. Money flies out of my brain every morning.

2. 100% Robert Rodriguez. I’m ready to live through constant Desperado/From Dusk ‘Til Dawn mashups.

3. I have to wait for a few NDAs to expire for this one.

4. I had salmon for breakfast and eggs for dinner. I have abandoned my humanity.

5. Every cola would be some strain of greenwashing. “Don’t pillage the Earth with Coke. Pick up a Dr. Pepper from the same vat.”

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Apr 14Liked by Michael Estrin

Back several months, I had narrative dreams for a few months running. Not many, but most of them were memorable enough to write down. I even wrote one up for my publication.

But lately, even when I do remember something from my dreams, there's not much to write down. For example, I was trying to pack up to move and some people came along to "help" me finish the job, but to me it looked like all they wanted to do was throw things away. Meanwhile, I was stuck trying to select which of four long fringes to keep (not cut off) on some toy like object.

Except for my dreams, nothing's changed that I know of.

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3. Remember olestra and the potential for “anal leakage?” Ok, that’s a food additive, not a drug, but it’s all in the “better living through chemistry” category. You’re welcome. And best of luck on Wellbutrin (srsly).

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Apr 14Liked by Michael Estrin

I loved the part of your Dad visiting you via dreamland. It made me teary, because I miss my dad every damn day.

The very best breakfast pancakes are blueberry pancakes where the blueberries are in the batter, and topped by blueberry syrup, not gelatinous glop. Second best are the pumpkin pancakes at Fatapple's in El Cerrito.

Alas, today's breakfast was coffee and homemade yogurt, plus Wellbutrin and Lexapro. Better living through chemistry.

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Heck, you could keep a therapist busy for weeks with that dream, so many layers of symbolism right there 😂 Glad to hear you've had some wins with the pharmaceutical bingo 😊

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Apr 14Liked by Michael Estrin

No pancakes today. Too lazy to make them. Just eggbites and toast.

Pepsi is definitely an alternate fuel. RC is the low quality alternate that you get at the odd stations that don't buy from the big companies.

BTW, in many of the South Pacific nations, the scooter drivers buy their gas from roadside stands that sell it in liter glass soda bottles.

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