Waiting in airports I find especially hard and I’m not sure why because it is a place for top tier people watching. It may be toilet adjacent because while the people are very interesting, the toilets are not. It may also be because some people I go with need to get their really early - like 3 hours - in case the road to get there explodes or something

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Thanks for the memories of the Golden Days of Waiting!

1. There was a time when I was waiting for the man, but now, like time, I wait for no man.

2. Stabbing requires a closeness we’d rather not have to the 💩.

3. I am now.

4. Yes. It’s a Federal law. And if Trump gets reelected, all hold music will be Kid Rock.

5. Yes, but bidets make me giggle more. TMI?

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I’m waiting for my ship to come in…

Shoot the shit = right tool for the job. A knife is used when you take a stab in the dark. Also, you can bag the shit if you have a dog.

If you aren’t in the system are you “off the grid?”

If they tell you that you will hear silence while they place you on a brief hold, do you actually hear anything? Like a tree falling in the woods or something? That’s what I’m waiting to learn.

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Those toilets would've really tied the bathrooms together, dude.

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Three thoughts occurred to me. 1) That seems like one well organized garage. You should see mine, it’s abominable. 2) I miss Tom Petty. 3) What’s a mid-range toilet? Is that one where you stand back while using it, but not too far back?

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I miss Tom Petty too. And John Prine.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

What a great story about shitty logistics!

I waited a month for most of my furniture to arrive at my apartment this summer because a sales guy lied his ass off to get my money. Then his manager lied to me. Neither of them seem to realize the warehouse guy in Maryland ratted them out.

Shooting is faster than stabbing, and I would think that when it comes to shit, time is of the essence.

I really hope you know the story about Cisco phone systems on hold music. If not, Google it and you’ll find a great episode of This American Life. Which you can listen to the next time you have to wait for something.

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We're basically spiritual twins. Our toilet was filling up super duper slowly this week, so I used ChatGPT and Google Lens to AI the shit out of solving the problem.

After that failed, I called the local plumber and gave them $300. Toilet works great!

We also went to vote, and the line was very long. We were encouraged.

Thank you for coming to my toilet talk.

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Today a friend told me about an experience he had these days, with cable guys suddenly showing up at his door, like jehova‘s witnesses. They started with showing him a code, which confirmed that they were legit. Then they told him some lies about him needing to let them in. As he was trying to find out what they wanted, they got offended. After lots of back and forth, they gave up. When he later left the house, he found them at the neighbor’s door. There, he tried a different approach, with the goal of finding out what they wanted. It ended with them cursing out the whole neighborhood, while yelling „because of you, this whole street will now never get glasfibre internet!“ My friend‘s my age - we made it through the times you’ve described here, we’re untouchables.

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more Carl Hiasson csn never be a bad thing

i trust you

and Ohtani!

guess my red sox will take a rain check this year...👹

but us Boston sports fans have BC to tide us over in meantime 🤣

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