The loss prevention guy at the North Hollywood Target asked to see my receipt.
“They emailed it,” I said.
“They emailed it,” he echoed.
Then he waved me past the security checkpoint.
I’m not so sure about the quality of Target security, but they sure know how to make a guy feel like a Jedi.
In my Year 7 class today we were working through a text exploring jargon when one of the girls shouted, 'It's Anakin!' Suddenly, they all dropped to the floor or slumped over their desks. Being one of those (unfortunately rare) teachers who thought this was pretty cool - seriously, it was well-choreographed - I laughed and said something to the effect of what the fuck was that about? Without the expletive, of course. They all started laughing and one of them finally said that they were reenacting the scene when Anakin kills all the Padawans because - and this was the kicker - they thought I'd appreciate it. Which begs a few questions ...
I’ll give this a shot at the bank. Back in five.