At Smart & Final, the Stupidity is Endless
The woman six feet ahead of me in line at Smart & Final can't take her eyes off the Corona Beer display.
"Do you think people still buy Corona?" she asks.
"Sure," I say.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Because of the virus. You know about the virus, right?"
I am aware of the virus. Thankfully, the mask on my face works to my advantage by hiding my sarcastic smile.
"It's just such a shame," she continues. "They've had their good name ruined by a disease."
I'm not sure Corona Beer had a good name. But whatever the brand's pre-pandemic reputation, I'm pretty sure that after months of quarantine, we're past the beer jokes. Still, I can't help myself.
"I think Corona is going to come out of this with a lot of sympathy," I say.
"You do? Why?"
"Sure. Despite the disease, people still admire Lou Gehrig."
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